For amongst other things, the following purposes:
- To consider and approve the audited accounts
- To elect Officers and Members to serve on the General Committee
- To alter and amend the Club Rules
- To consider motions submitted by Members
- To elect Auditors, Honorary or otherwise, for the ensuing year
- Any business that the General Committee may order
All members are invited to attend
Annual membership renewal is due on 1st March 2025, only paid up members as at the date of the AGM are entitled to participate and vote at the meeting. Cadet and Country members are not entitled to vote at the AGM.
Officers are elected annually so nominations will be invited for all these positions. One General Committee position is currently vacant, Keziah Deeks was appointed by the General Committee and will retire at the AGM, Bruce Anderson, Fiona Emms, Tony Evans and Ginny O’Dell have completed their two years as General Committee members and will retire at the AGM (all retiring members are eligible for re-election), nominations will therefore be invited for six General Committee members. Tony Higbee and Anthea Le Cornu have another year to serve as they were elected to the General Committee in 2024. Any member wishing to stand for any position should use the nomination form (click here). Nominations received to date are below (last updated 16th March 2025).
Club Officer Nominations (to date)
Post | Name | Proposed by | Seconded by |
Commodore | Julie-Anne White | Bill Wilson | Marie-Helen Derry |
Vice Commodore | Nic Cross | Chris Wood | Chris Mullins |
Rear Commodore | |||
Hon Secretary | Nick White | Bill Wilson | Phil Mylrea |
Hon Treasurer | |||
Hon Sailing Secretary | Chris Wood | Nic Cross | Stuart Bannerman |
Hon Membership Secretary | Bill Wilson | Ginny O’Dell | Phil Mylrea |
General Committee Member Nominations (to date)
Post | Name | Proposed by | Seconded by |
Committee Member | Keziah Deeks | Bill Wilson | Julie-Anne White |
Committee Member | Tony Evans | Keziah Deeks | Bill Wilson |
Committee Member | Mike McDonald | Chris Wood | Nic Cross |
Committee Member | Phil Mylrea | Alan Tyne | Brian Sinclair |
Committee Member | Ginny O’Dell | Bill Wilson | Phil Mylrea |
Committee Member | Fiona Emms | Tony Higbee | Nic Cross |
Nominations are invited for all of the available posts, the General Committee would be pleased to hear from anyone who is considering putting their name forward for election to any of the posts. We do not currently have an Hon Secretary and the General Committee has accepted the Hon Membership Secretary’s offer to be responsible for secretarial matters relating to the 2025 AGM. The latest date for the Hon Membership Secretary to receive nominations and proposals in writing from members is Thursday 27th March 2025, these can be placed in the letterbox at the clubhouse or emailed to The final AGM documents will be sent to members by email on Monday 7th April 2025, or by post to those members without email. The final AGM documents will also be available in the Members Area on our website and on the noticeboard inside clubhouse. The final AGM documents will include:
- AGM Agenda
- The Commodore’s report
- Accounts and report by the Hon Treasurer and Independent Inspector of Accounts
- Nominations for the election of Officers
- Nominations for the election of General Committee Members
- Motions from members (if any)