Wivenhoe RiverCare
Wivenhoe RiverCare was set up in 2016 by Wivenhoe Canoe and Kayaking Club to help clean up areas of the river unaccessible from landside. Since then they have removed hundreds of bags of litter from the river, 2 fridges and even an old motorbike.
Wivenhoe Rivercare works with local groups, companies and individuals sharing similar aims and who wish to clean up the river, its banks and so protect and nurture the local wildlife.
Regular clean up days are held throughout the year using both kayaks and river bank volunteers to remove plastics and general waste products from sections of the river.
Wivenhoe RiverCare is now based at our club and is highly active.
Should you wish to be part of this group or if you would like to take part in the next clean up day please contact Bruce Langley who would be delighted to hear from you.