Bernie’s Curry Night

Event Details

  • Date:

  • Venue: Clubhouse

Bernie’s Curry Night – Saturday 9th March 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm, cost £10 per person pay on the night but sign up in advance (sign up sheet is on the noticeboard in the clubhouse foyer).

Numbers are limited so please sign up early!

•  Curry Buffet
•  Side Dishes
•  Mango Lassi

Choose your favourites from a selection of curries of various strengths and flavours provided by members.

Help is needed to set up on the afternoon of 9th March and to do a shift behind the bar on the night, all offers will be greatly appreciated!

Offers of curries most welcome and costs will be reimbursed – please let Bernie know the name of your dish and an estimate of the number of portions.

Contact Bernie Hetherington: mobile 07967 505854 email