WSC Dinghy Regatta
DInghy racing from the clubhouse, starting at 2:00pm.
Summer Celebration “A celebration to welcome everyone back to the water and to the club, and to formally welcome new members and activities – a chance for all to remake old acquaintances after a year of lockdown, and to make new ones”. There will be activities ashore – Bar, Barbecues and Afternoon Tea – (and…
Friday night at the clubhouse, all members are welcome! The bar will be open 🍺 🍷 🍻 🍸 🥂
Paddling Equipment Canadian Canoes The club owns 2 Canadian Canoes which can be borrowed by members. To book a canoe please contact Nick White telephone 07740 585850 or email Boat Bookings.
Rowing Boats Linnet Whitehall Skiff “Linnet” a handsome and seaworthy 14ft 6in rowing skiff, which is designed to be easy to row on coastal waters. She is based on the Whitehall Skiff, a traditional American design used on the Hudson River in New York, although reputed to have originated on the River Thames in the…